Category: General
08-08-2017: Closed System Geothermal Energy
Why is closed system geothermal electricity generation important? Our 21st century world is electric. Until and when we divine a cleaner, more useful energy methodology, say on a paranormal ether harvesting plane or whatever, it’s important we generate electricity in the most environmentally friendly, cost effective way possible. Some may be uncomfortable with mentioning cost […]
08-02-2017: The ZGE Exchange Chamber and Geothermal Viability
If we were to investigate geothermal energy applications, say for a university term paper or maybe just for fun; because that’s the sort of thing many of us would do with our Saturday morning, we might run across U.S. Patent 8,381,523 B2, which in turn could prompt the question, what is an Exchange Chamber? What […]
07-28-2017: Z Group Energy’s Closed vs Open Conventional Geothermal Systems
We might ask, “how does the Z Group Energy (ZGE) closed geothermal system differ from today’s conventional geothermal systems and why might this difference be significant? Interesting questions. I’ll answer the second question, the easy one, first. The primary significance, just in terms of economic sustainability and potential positive return on investment, both necessary components […]
07-22-2017: Brief Discussion of Alternative Energies and History of Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy is heat energy derived from earth’s core and is a “renewable resource” as defined by the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act of 1980 and The National Energy Policy Act of 1992; estimated by the U.S. Geothermal Industry for the Renewable Energy Task Force (1997) as “equivalent to 42 million megawatts […]